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NAMHSA - October 16-31, 2010 News

NAMHSA News for the period of October 16-31, 2010 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary.

--Pauline Entin (Public Relations) posted the draft NAN 2011 Registrar solicitation post and the draft NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair post for review and edits.

--Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) uploaded the September Treasurer's Report:
Total Income: $876.00
Total Expenses: -$2,882.36
Overall Total: $-2,006.36

Balance in BoA Checking 9/30/10: $89,072.19
Balance in Payal 9/30/10: $75.14
Balance in NAMHSA's accounts 9/30/10: $89,147.33

--Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) drafted and posted a response to an inquiry by some hobbyists regarding the procedure to vote on installing Jackie Arns-Rossi as President subsequent to Leisl Dalpe's resignation.

--Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) forwarded a post she received from an individual member who complained that she submitted her payment for membership dues and never received confirmation. As a result, she thought she could not show at NAN 2010. She requested a refund of the membership dues, stating she had been trying to resolve the matter since June. After discussion on the Board list, it was concluded that this was the first time anyone had been made aware of a problem.

--Bobbi Devine posted the results of the vote to accept or deny Liesl Dalpe's resignation and approve or deny Jackie Arns-Rossi's nomination to the position of President for 10-11. Of 437 possible votes, 169 were submitted. 168 voters accepted Liesl Dalpe's resignation, with one abstention. 161 voters approved Jackie's appointment to President, 8 disapproved. Both items passed with a strong majority.

--Eleanor Harvey posted that she would contact Jackie regarding the results and asked Pauline Entin to draft a press release announcing the results to the public.

--Eleanor Harvey requested to have Jackie subbed to the BoD list so that she may begin work.

--Pauline Entin posted the final draft of the NAN 2011 Chair solicitation.
--Pauline Entin also posted the draft announcing Jackie Arns-Rossi as the new NAMHSA President.
--Lindsey Hall (Former President) posted that she had invited Jackie Arns-Rossi to the list and would add her as soon as she responded.
--Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) posted that she was subbed to the list and notified the Board that she would be out of town on vacation beginning 10/29 to 11/7. She briefly outlined some items that needed to be addressed, and asked that the Board continue on as before until she returned.

Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 11/26/2010
Last updated on November 27, 2010