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Regional Baskets

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Available as: Sweepstakes Prize Donated by: Individual NAMHSA Regions

As part of the celebration of NAMHSA's 15th Anniversary in 2010, the NAN Auction committee came up with a fun and innovative project to encourage more people to get involved with their local and regional groups and showcase the amazing variety of talent, resourcefulness, and merriment of the hobby at large. We invited each and every NAMHSA Region to participate in the 2010 NAN Sweepstakes by creating a regional themed basket, showcasing to the rest of the hobby just what their area is about and what makes it special. Each region has interpreted this goal differently and the ideas that emerged showed a ton of creativity and pride.

These baskets will be included among the many amazing donations already offered and are the only items not required to be model horse related. That's right - who knows what will be in them!! Food, souvenirs, sports memorabilia, photos, postcards, and MORE! Naturally model horse related items were also encouraged; perhaps you'll have a variety of the region's well known artists adding a piece, or perhaps they decided on a theme related to their area. Lots of ideas were posted on regional discussion groups and other venues, and we can't WAIT to see the final results. Even the auction committee is not 100% sure of what will be included until the baskets are delivered the day before NAN. They will proudly be displayed the first two days of NAN and have their own special table during the NAN Anniversary party. You are welcome to enter tickets for one of the baskets now and be surprised, or you can wait to see them displayed in person. Detailed information of the contents will not be posted online before the drawing.

Some additional fun: there is an unofficial contest for bragging rights to the region who's basket gathers the most tickets. The tickets will be counted for each basket after the auction and will be posted for all to see. Support your favorite region!
Last updated on June 30, 2010